The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program is designed to strengthen Native American families off reservation, for pregnant families through five years of age.
The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program is designed to strengthen Native American families through achieving the following:
Families eligible for the program may consist of (but are not limited to) pregnant mothers, teen parents, fathers and/or grandparents serving as caregivers to children ages 0 through 5 years, and living off reservation.
Home Visiting program staff, or Parent Educators, must meet rigorous education and training requirements before providing services that relate to family dynamics, child development, home safety, and a variety of other topics important to families. Families receive home visits every week, every other week, or monthly, depending on their needs.
Referrals may be made to the program by calling (602) 654-1378, ext. 13003 or email:
Family Spirit Nurture video
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